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Species Background: Livathos

According to the religion of Pra'Irc, The Livathosi are the first species to ever exist on this planet, and all other species evolved from them. Livathosi are tall creatures, and they look similar to the humans, who are mostly used as slaves, but that I will explain another time. Back to the Livathosi.

As I said Livathosi are tall, at least in comparison with the other sentient species, They have a pale-blue skin, mostly long brown or blackish hair that only appears on their heads and strangely long toes, their toes are so long that they are often mistaken for fingers when the rest of the body cannot be seen. The Livathoso also like to wear long, red robes with gold decorations on them. You will never, ever find a poor Livathosi, Livathosi are a privileged race, and they claim all other races are below them, so they find it acceptable to steal from and kill those "less worthy species". The wealth of the Livathosi can be traced back to all this violence and theft, and since the Livathosi only consist of noble houses that all marry in-between those houses, there is no such thing as a half-Livathosi. I wouldn't exactly call the Livathosi a peace-loving species since they like burning people, houses and possessions, be it for a sacrifice to their God or just as a pastime.

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