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The First Blood War

In this world, nothing is perfect, nothing is for a good cause.

A great example, possible the best example of this are the Blood wars.

And in turn, the Blood Wars are a perfect example of how fanatical the Bloody Monks can be.

Around what we estimate to be 200 years after the Creation, Hi'lafos, a prominent Bloody Monk who had killed many innocents over the cours of his 30 years on this planet, declared a "holy" war on all the so-called infidels. His actions would case three major wars, in which more than half of the landmass of our world was wiped off the map and millions of people would die.

But that's just the aftermath. Let's get to the First Blood War.

The First Blood War was possibly the least bloody of all the Blood Wars, due to the fact that the Boody Monks didn't have as big of a following as they did in the Second and Third Blood Wars.

The First Blood War mainly consisted of raids on villages by groups of Bloody Monks, who burned and killed everyone they saw in the name of the Creator. I wonder, if the Creator saw what they did, would he approve of their actions? I believe he wouldn't. In fact, I hope he'd wipe them off the map, as that they did with my hometown and my family.

The story of how my family was murdered goes back to The First Blood War.

One day, my hometown of Raktiod was attacked by a raiding party lead by Hi'lafos himself. The attack on our village was without a warning, and the guards failed to respond in time before the Bloody Monks slit their throats. They advanced through the main street of the village, and everytime they would pass a house, 3 Monks would go in and take all the residents out before lighting the house on fire. My family lived on the edge of town, so we had a small warning time, my father took his axe and stood in front of the door. My 3 other siblings had hidden under the floorboards, but there was no place for me. So I rain out through the back door, past the grave of my mother, into the woods. I never knew if my father managed to resist the Monks and fled along with my other siblings.

After the Monks had rounded everyone in the village up, they put them on the second floor of the townhall, of which all the windows were boarded up, before lighting the building on fire.

I watched this happen from afar, and yet I could still hear the screams of my friends resonating through my head.

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